Terrible Twelve
The Terrible Twelve is a unique, 12-hour endurance event where participants run or walk a 3.7-mile loop on the Warhill Nature Trail, aiming to complete as many loops as possible between 7 PM and 7 AM. What sets this race apart is the requirement for each participant to volunteer for one hour, helping fellow runners by cheering, cooking, or counting laps. This race embraces a "leftovers" theme, offering awards and T-shirts from past events, and is entirely self-supported, with participants encouraged to bring snacks to share, making it a sweaty, communal, and unforgettable experience.
For questions about the race please contact us.
Register Directions
The Dirty Sweaty Details
This is a Leftovers race. ALL of the T-shirts and awards are from other races.
This race is self-supported- bring your own stuff and, if you want, stuff to share with others.
The race starts at 7PM and ends 7AM the following morning. This will be a great training run for 50-100 mile ultras in the Fall. Technically this is only an 11 hour race- see below.
In this race you HAVE to pick an hour where YOUR race stops and you volunteer to help others. You cheer, you cook, you count laps, you support. There will be a choice at checkout to pick your hour. Each hour has a limited number of slots, so the earlier you register the more you have to pick from. If you do not show up for your volunteer slot you will be considered a DNF.
There are no refunds or deferrals. If you cannot attend due to injury AND you come and volunteer instead, I will hook you up on a discount for a future race.
You can walk, run or a combination of both- it is your 12 hours!
You will make new friends, see old friends, likely see current friends.
You will get whatever award you get at the end and be happy.
You will help others achieve their goals, even if you have never met them. You will also likely volunteer with people you have never met. If you have friends who register late, I cannot guarantee they can get a slot to volunteer with you.
You will smell and no one will want to hug you except your fellow racers due to your stench. It will be a hot, sticky mess.
You will love it, you will hate it you will always remember it (even if you do not have a race logo T-shirt).
Trail Description
The loop is 3.7 miles on the Warhill Nature Trail. The goal is to see how many full loops you can get. There will be a 1 mile add on you can do after all full loops are complete in the last half hour of the race (from 6:30-7am).
The surface is crushed gravel. Sometimes its more "crushed" and sometimes less. There are rolling hills that you will grow to detest. It is scenic, but in the dark you will not be able to see much. Personal lighting is required on the course. Pacers will not be allowed unless they are volunteering for at least an hour as well.
The race starts and finishes at the Baseball area of the Williamsburg Sports Complex. I will send out a specific map when we get closer!
Food specifics
Please consider bringing food to share with your fellow trail runners. Pre packaged single serving type food is better than a big bag of something. Homemade food is special and wonderful.
I will provide water and Tailwind only!
The set up
See photos for some of the set up areas. There will be plenty of room to put a tent, table, etc near the loop. There is also a shelter (in photo) with picnic tables about 50 yards from the loop check-in) A grill will be available to cook on. There are nice, clean indoor restrooms. The parking lot is within 100 yards of the loop check-in. You can go to your car and sleep if you need to. You can go home and sleep and come back if you want to as long as you fulfill your volunteer duty.
This race replaces the Soupy 7/Alphabet Soup 7 hour race for 2025. The format is the same, different location. The course is the same as the Midnight Maniac and March Manic from previous years! I have had many requests to bring those races back. I decided to move the concept to Summer to avoid the crushing cold of those previous races.